Baby Yoga & Massage

  • Touch and Interaction

    Touch has been proven to be the most important factor in infant social and mental development. Babies perceive it as the most basic form of communication. It does not come as a surprise that touch becomes a child's first language. When in utero, there was constant touch and movement, so to help babies adapt to the world outside, we must create comfort and a sense of security.

    With the skin being the largest organ of the body, applying touch greatly stimulates the production of oxytocin hormone that has a very calming and analgesic effect. Touch also helps developmental coordination and balance as well introducing skills for crawling and standing. Touch through massage and movement can have a positive effect on sleep patterns, reduction of stress and crying episodes. In short, both touch and interaction are absolutely vital for babies to encourage and support all stages of healthy early development.

  • Methodology

    In my courses I’m using an intelligent and grounded methodology from the appleyoga approach to Pre & Postnatal Yoga with Baby Yoga & Massage that empowers women throughout the pregnancy and after to go deep into their practice with lightness and grace. It is biomechanically knowledgeable, safe and grounded and features key actions for empowerment and freedom in the body.

    Transformational yogic tools used together with a balanced understanding of the emotional and psychological journey into motherhood and child development as well as the relevant and precise anatomy and physiology are the keys to inspiring safe practice of Pregnancy Yoga and Baby Yoga & Massage.

  • Baby Yoga

    Promotes better sleeping patterns

    Regular movement promotes more settled behavior with less extreme ups and downs

    Through digestional stimulation it helps alleviate wind, constipation, cramps and colic symptoms

    Helps to reduce frustration of babies when transitioning from one developmental stage to another

    Helps to develop their sense of proprioception

    Tactile stimulation contributes to the development of the brain and the nervous system

    Enhances non verbal communication between parent and a baby

    Muscular stretching relieves stiffness and growing pains

  • Baby Massage

    Provides relief from conditions such as colic, constipation and teething discomfort

    Helps with stress reductions and sleep patterns

    Stimulates the major internal systems including digestive, circulatory etc.

    It supports the bonding and attachment process

  • Location & Investment

    Location: Omlab Studio (Boavista)

    When: As requested

    Price: Private 35€ per person/ Group 15€ per person